On The John Krol Podcast: The unmistakeable sound of Melissa Brinton is prolifically filling a good share of the Berkshire music scene, as she performs solo and in two additional groups. She’s perhaps the busiest musician in the region. Ironically, it may have been during the lockdown that Melissa elevated to a new level as the pandemic encouraged innovation and greater creativity. Unable to play and perform in any public venue, Melissa took to social media taking requests. She responded to the requests for tunes that she likely never would have considered learning before, and put a beautiful spin on many of our favorites. That inspiration has led to an evolution of her own sound as she works on music for her third album. In this episode, Melissa performs new music that will be on her new album as well as a few covers that you’re sure to love. We also cover Melissa’s vocal education at Pittsfield High School under the legendary Gaylan Palmer, techniques for improving vocal performance, her Irish music repertoire, playing with Fanny Pack with Elaine Morel and Paul Armstrong, as well as Flight with Mary Verdi and Eileen Markland, recording with her Father and her musical brother, Christopher, folky versions of Frank Sinatra songs, inspiration from the Spotify algorithm and more. I hope you’ll enjoy my conversation and the music of Melissa Brinton.