The “absolute favorite thing in the world” for Charles Harrigan to do is make people stronger, as he tells us on The John Krol Podcast. And at 5 a.m. every weekday morning, he shows his commitment by holding boot campers accountable to doing just that – making them stronger. And he has many loyal athletes who have been doing it for years with him finding their fittest selves. It all started for Charles after a back injury made it impossible for him to go back to his career in construction, and instead, he went back to school to become a certified Personal Fitness Trainer in 2009. Or, maybe his tenacity was forged even earlier when he spent some years of his childhood in third world living conditions in the British Virgin Islands, saying he has “good memories of being broke.” Charles is a father, a motivator and a positive force in our community. In this episode, we cover his approach to personal training, the benefits and drawbacks of particular sports and activities, his Instagram handle “acidjester,” playing Xbox, how he never ended up with a.desk job, his love of Pittsfield and more. I hope you’ll enjoy my conversation with Charles Harrigan. — Support this podcast: